Hello everyone, welcome to this website! My name is Tatyana Soto, I am a California Bay Area native in my undergrad at Mills College in Oakland, majoring in Biology with a concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (photo of me on the left next to Amorphophallus titanum (Corpse Flower)). I am on a research team dedicated to the three gorgeous plants below. I have an extreme passion for plant ecology and I created this website to explain many aspects of plant ecology in an accessible way. Accessibility in STEM is severely lacking, accessibility to me means that people who are not experts in a certain field are able to understand research that is very significant to them, such as climate change. Being able to understand important science means that it could spark support of legislature regarding factors attributing to climate change such as industry, extraction of fossil fuels, and plastic consumption. This website is aimed at teaching those without a degree in Biology or Ecology how the plant world around us functions because these interactions are being threatened by climate change.

Streptanthus glandulosus niger
Image by Keir Morse